Bella Fiore Custom Floral Design

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Wham Rap Wedding Makes Me Happy!

O.K. I am just too tired to do the post I had planned and I don't yet have the images from the photographer.....sooo a little blast from the past! This video just makes me smile from beginning to end! First of all, if your man took the time to choreograph this little number out he must really love you! Second of all, he manged to convince his groomsmen to perform it with him! Thirdly, they are obviously having a good time! Fourthly, the boys can actually dance ! Fifthly, boys that dance are always in my good book! I even had a theory about boys that were good dancers in University and refused to date boys that did not dance ! Sixthly, the eighties rock! Give me back my "Bon Jovi hair"!! Seventhly, the couple who's wedding this is are apparently still married after 22 years! Eighthly, which proves my point about boys who dance! Ninethly, if you aren't smiling by the end of this video stop using Botox! Tenthly, I hope this little post makes your day because LOVE DOES EXIST!