Let your Light Shine! Tune Tuesday Music Inspiration

I love this guy.Why? For one, he sounds like James Taylor. Two, he is unafraid to let his light shine.What do I mean by this? Well, he's just a guy who liked this girl with beautiful eyes and wrote this song.He posted it on line for the world to see and comment on.This is Brave.It doesn't hurt that the song is pretty good and the guys' voice has some sweet tone!
The song got me to thinking though, about how we let fear stop us from doing the things that we really love, from self promoting, from letting our light shine! What do we fear? That people won't like us or our work? That we will be judged? That we will fail? What are you afraid of?
Each of us is made up of so many incredible parts that make us truly good at what we do.What are you good at?
I have done many amazing things in my life; I plan to do MANY more!! What have you done that is amazing? Every now and then I write a list 'cause sometimes I forget. I bet you forget sometimes too. I think it's important to remember our greatness; to "embrace the fear and do it anyway." This song, for some reason made me think about all of these things.
Here are a few amazing things I have done:
  • I have ridden on the back of an elephant up the side of mountain in India to see a sacred Tantric Temple only to have my eyes covered by my mother because the statues carved in stone were too explicit ! I remember it to this day. I was only ten.
  • I breathed life into a newborn puppy!I was ten.
  • I won a dance scholarship and received my first one dozen red roses tied with satin ribbon.I was 17.
  • I swung from a Trapeze and did not fall! I was 19.
  • I graduated from Theater school despite my mother wanting me to be a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher.
  • I danced in a music video or two. I was 20.
  • I planted forests of trees which are still standing today. I was 22.
  • I delivered a baby all by myself! Someone else's baby! I was 22.
  • I hitch hiked across Canada with only a tent and sleeping bag and survived to tell the tale!
There are many more amazing things I have done all of them have helped shape what I am to day....One Rock Star Floral Designer! All of the amazing things I have done required me to "embrace my fear and do it anyway" To let my light shine.
I realize this post has very little to do with weddings....except this song would make a great wedding song!
I hope you let your light shine today and everyday...'cause really you rock!