Sunday at the Pattiserie


On Sundays one should:
  • dress like they are in Paris
  • or at least smell like they are Parisian
  • or maybe eat a croissant
  • this whole one bite thing is ridiculous
  • so is taking only two bites
  • eat the whole croissant
  • it's Sunday
  • pretend you are in Paris
  • eat lunch at the Patisserie
  • Say qui
  • It's O.K. if you say non
  • but don't hurt frogs
  • that's bad karma
  • even for the Parisian
  • Play Edith Piaf
  • drink coffee from a bowl
  • but not like a dog
  • that is not Parisian
  • on Sundays one should
  • pretend they are in
  • Paris

Spring Blossom

What did I do?

Came the spring with all it's splendor,
All it's birds and all it's blossoms,
All it's flowers and leaves and grasses...
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow~

Every one who knows me well, I mean knows me really well, knows I love poetry. They have known me to swoon over a well constructed sentence, a clever turn of a phrase, a metaphor that shines like the sun. They have known me to speak in rhyme for no reason and answer an email in prose. They say, it may be my a weakness for musicians, or having to smell every rose I pass.
It is my firm belief that spring is the Earth's way of writing poetry. With every crocus, tulip and daffodil that pokes up from the wet earth, she says, "Look! Behold what beauty! Do you see?" With every cherry blossom that unfurls it's pink petals she whispers,
" Blossom. Go ahead. You can."
Every one who knows me well, I mean knows me really well knows I love spring. They say, it may be my a love for flowers and honey off the spoon.
Happy Spring! Blossom.Go ahead. You can.
~ Sarina xo~

Rosa di San Valentino

Rosa di San Valentino

Well, Valentine's Day has come and gone and I didn't get to do a Valentine's Day post because as a floral designer one gets a little busy around this day....just a little :)
I was noticing in Valentine's Day blog posts around the wedding/events community that all the details were red and white, red and white, red and white. Oh, and chocolate, chocolate cupcakes, chocolate hearts, chocolate covered strawberries. Also, all the blog posts were " cute". I honestly can say I didn't see a unique one anywhere, or really romantic, or even sexy. I mean it is Valentine's Day, somewhere someone should be doing something romantic or Am I the only one who thinks this way? Why can't you be sexy, romantic and sweetly stylish? Is there some law in the wedding/events community that for Valentine's Day you have to have red hearts and red everything? Don't get me wrong I LOVE red, but I want an adult red. I want it paired with black not white. I want bling. I want champagne or at least red wine....sure let's have chocolate but in a fondue or mousse. I quite possibly may be in the middle of a full blown full blown....I've turned pink, and I'm not even really a fan of pink....but pink works for Valentine's Day, and people will always love roses for Valentine's, and well, I had to add some of my bling feather pins, and instead of chocolate some of my soap because baths are romantic....and....I think run on sentences are sexy.... (hee!!)
I hope you had a fabulous Valentine's Day and I hope it was a little grown up, unless, of course you are fourteen :)